Farewell, 2019 {My Year in Review}

Hello, dears!

It’s time for my annual huge New Year’s post! πŸ˜€ Today I’m gonna be reviewing the biggest events of my 2019; a short list of favorite books and music; blog stats; and, of course, my goals and resolutions! I love looking back on these posts. Every time, my past self looks a little strange, God’s grace clearly abounds and overflows, and the memories bring me back to times I hope I never forget.

Although there weren’t as many dramatic highs and lows as last year, 2019 was a good year for me, and I grew a lot (not physically πŸ˜‰ ). God led me through several things that stretched me out of my comfort zone and made me depend completely on him because I obviously couldn’t do it myself. And he was faithful. He always is, and yet somehow I still doubt that again and again. *sigh* What a merciful Lord we have, don’t we?

Anyway. Let’s get into the post before the intro gets any longer. XD Right this way, please!

2019 Highlights

I shall start with some things I want to remember about 2019, in no particular order and interspersed with some of my favorite photos I took this year (or photos that help explain the text). πŸ™‚ Click on a photo to visit the post it was from!

2019 in review (27)

Started teaching art classes. This year I got a job teaching two art classes at a local homeschool academy (like a normal co-op except the teachers are paid instead of being volunteer moms). It’s been challenging and stressful and super fun and exciting and hard and easier than I thought. Heh. Overall, I love my students and I’m so glad to have the opportunity to teach others about my passion!

2019 in review (5)

Changed pastors at church. This was a surprisingly big part of my year, since my family and I are pretty involved in our church. We were all so sad to see our amazing previous pastor leave, but it was incredible to watch God unify and strengthen our church through the shift instead of allowing it to split apart. I got to be part of so many wonderful, deep conversations about what the church believes and which beliefs really matter, and to think about these things myself. Eventually, the Lord brought us a new pastor, and we LOVE him and his family.

2019 in review (11)

Lots of dancing! We went to so many dances this year – barn dances, swing dance and ballroom dance lessons, and several informal barn dancing evenings. πŸ™‚ AHH, those are some of my favorite memories from this year. Also my favorite way to exercise. πŸ˜› Admittedly, it wouldn’t be nearly as fun if we weren’t doing it with friends and church family, but still, I can’t believe I didn’t used to like dancing. XD

2019 in review (39)

Helped with the hay business. We rebaled/sold a combined total of over 40,000 bales this year! (The small, square, 40 lb. ones.) Oh MY. I am happy to say Dad got this machine called a Bale Baron which means we don’t have to stack semi-trailer loads by hand anymore! We still hand-stacked thousands of bales on deliveries, but at least they were smaller loads at a time. Also, my siblings and I improved enough in our hay skills that we can deliver or rebale loads by ourselves when Dad is busy. Helpful!

2019 in review (17)

Hosted lots of company. We were blessed to have friends and family come down fairly often to stay in our guest house, go on rides around the farm, and visit with us. So many fun memories! Plus, we had the opportunity to host neighbors and people from church quite a few times for supper, which I always enjoy immensely. There’s something rich and special about sharing fellowship around a meal – you can get to know people in a different, deeper way.

2019 in review (24)

Enjoyed Bible Study. My friend Bethany from church started a Young Women’s Bible Study, which has been such a blessing! It’s so encouraging and refreshing to gather with other young ladies and study the Bible together and pray for each other. (And have a lot of fun. πŸ˜‰ )

2019 in review (31)

Painted some houses. We (mostly my sisters, Mom, and I) repainted the rental house on our farm so we could rent it out again. MAN that was a lot of work! But we got it done and it looks much better. Plus, we and our church volunteered almost 1,000 hours to help our new pastor and his wife repaint and fix up the house they bought! That was much more fun. πŸ˜‰

2019 in review (36)

Gained pets and lost pets. We added quite a few chickens – well, we added some and then lost some, but then hatched eggs and got a bunch of chicks which are now almost full grown! And, sadly, we lost my bunny Willow and, recently, our cat Jinx. 😦

2019 in review (40)

Did some farm bookwork. I took over Mom’s job at the office for a several months, but we recently switched back since I rarely had time for more than the minimum work. I’m really glad I had the chance, though! It was great practice to figure out financial things on a scale I don’t have usually.

2019 in review (38)

Started plans for a church plant. From the time we first moved here, my parents have prayed about helping plant a PCA church near where we live. We drive about 40 minutes to our current church and a lot of social things as well. :/ Besides the driving, though, my parents are passionate about growing God’s kingdom through church planting; we helped start the church we went to before we moved. We’ve had families over, Dad has attended a couple meetings, and God is bringing people together. I’m glad we have this opportunity, but honestly… at this point I’m still just pretty sad at the prospect of leaving our current church and church family – we all are. So I’m praying God will make me more eager to serve him in this way. *small smile*

2019 in review (6)

Participated in many photoshoots. I took senior portraits and engagement photos this year, as well as tons of informal shoots with my sister, which is always fun. πŸ™‚ I’ve learned a lot about posing and photography!

2019 in review (7)

Helped with my best friend’s proposal! This was, like, the best few days of the year. πŸ˜€ I had the chance to help photograph and plan Aria‘s proposal with her fiance, Andrew, and his friend, Fleet. It was AHHHmazing, to say the least. Click the photo above to read my post about it!

2019 in review (10)

Met one of my pen pals/blogger friends! Charis + her family visited us this summer and we had SO much fun together. πŸ™‚ Meeting online friends is the best! Again, I’ll keep this short because you can click the photo to read the post.

2019 in review (14)

Read 59 books (including a lot of rereading). Hmm. More than I thought but fewer than last year. To be fair, some of those books were long enough to count as two or three: The Count of Monte Cristo and Les Miserables were both over 1,000 pages (O.o), and The City of God just took a while, possibly because I basically only read it on breaks (a.k.a. breakdowns) while rebaling. πŸ˜›

2019 in review (37)

Discovered I’m an INFJ. I used to think types were silly, but what do you know, they can actually be a tool to help you realize your strengths and weaknesses! And now I understand myself a lot better, particularly regarding my empathy and intuition. *nods thoughtfully* Would you guys like to see a post on this topic?

2019 in review (34)

Music things. I definitely improved my piano playing and singing this year. Also I discovered I can memorize songs, compose music, and play from lead sheets after all!

2019 in review (35)

Published Spark! I’m really happy with how my second poem book turned out, and the blog tour + giveaway was so much fun!

2019 in review (32)

Went to my church’s amazing women’s retreat. I had a blast playing games, eating too much good food, worshiping the Lord, and spending time with my friends and ladies from church! I learned so much.

2019 in review (18)

Housesat for friends. It was pretty fun to live by myself and β€œplay house” for an extended period of time. And it made me thankful I have a wonderful family to help and live with normally. πŸ™‚

2019 in review (23)

Miscellaneous happenings: Megan and I redecorated our room! // We crashed our truck, but none of us were hurt, thankfully. O.o // I wrote many, many letters. // I lost a great-aunt and one of my great-grandmothers. Praise God they were both believers. // I listened to a ton of sermons from this amazing series on Romans (my favorites are the later ones) plus all of our new pastor’s recorded sermons before he came (but I missed one). πŸ˜› Why I haven’t listened to online sermons before?? // Attended several amazingly fun bonfires with family and church family. Bonfires, barn dancing, and Mule rides are some of my very favorite things, and this year was full of them. πŸ™‚

2019 in review (25)

favorite books

  • The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas (Yes, it’s an enormous book, but it has an EPIC plot and amazingly drawn characters.)
  • Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo (See above. XD The story is amazing, but SHEESH, all those interruptions… I never say this, but you might as well read an abridged version.)
  • Risk is Right, by John Piper (a tiny book that can make a huge impact if you let it.)
  • The Mitford series, by Jan Karon (I reread part of this series because it’s one of my favorites – so cozy and realistic!)
  • Saving Leonardo, by Nancy Pearcey (one of my top favorite books of all time! An unflinchingly honest, eye-opening look at our culture, a variety of worldviews, Christianity, and art + art history all mashed up into one life-changing book.)
2019 in review (1)

Favorite songs

2019 in review (12)

Blog stats

stats 2
  • Followers (current #): 7,006 (last year I had 4,817!)
  • Posts: 102
  • Words Written: 95, 786 (oh MY!)

Wow, 2019 was a better year for my blog than I thought – thanks to you guys! And WHOA, 7,000 followers? *gasp* I don’t quite know why so many people find it interesting to read my random thoughts and photos, but HEY, I’m not complaining. It’s seriously hard to express how grateful I am to have you guys along for the ride. πŸ™‚ ❀

2019 in review (4)

last year’s goals

  • Reach 80 sales onΒ my Etsy shop.Β Nope. I got 100 sales instead! I am SO happy, because that’s the number I actually was hoping for. XD I can’t believe I started the year with only 24 sales. O.o Hopefully next year I’ll feel the same about having 100 sales!
  • Launch BuJo printables set.Β I did make some of these, but they ended up being too much work every month to make them worth it. I launched some other products, though, like these custom portraits!
  • Read 3+ Great Books.Β Um… NOPE. I read some Ancient Greek plays and now I’m a bit over halfway through The Institutes of Christian Religion, by John Calvin. It’s… dense. There’s good stuff in it, but I read it in very small chunks when I have a spare moment.
  • Memorize 3+ chapters of Romans.Β Yes! I think? I don’t remember how far I was at the beginning of this year, but it wasn’t far; now I’m working on chapter 4.
  • Write poem book #2. | Look into traditional publishing.Β Yep! Mostly. I published my second book, Spark, (YAYAYAY!), but after briefly looking into traditional publishing, I decided not to go down that track right now; rather, to focus my energy on the things I’m already pursuing, like art.
  • Publish 2 posts a week. YES! Except I missed two posts (two weeks had just one post).
  • Worry less; trust God more.Hmm. It’s hard to say, you know? I think… I still worried way too much. Heh. But I knew, always, that God is good and he knows what he’s doing – I remember that from last year.
2019 in review (19)

(Lots of) Goals for 2020

  • Take a short video each day. I gonna try to take a few-second video clip as many days of the year as I can, and then put them all together at the end. Because GUYS, next year is my 20th year. O.o And I don’t know, it seems like it will be an important one with moments I will want to remember. πŸ™‚
  • Help with Aria’s wedding! I am so, SO excited for this one. My best friend is getting married and I get to be her maid-of-honor! *beams* Ahhhhhh, no words.
  • Reach 200 sales onΒ my Etsy shop and launch new custom listings.Β I’m hoping to grow my business more in 2020, partly by adding more products. My custom listings are definitely some of my “bestsellers,” so I’m excited to add two new options.
  • Publish website. I started working on a website for The Color Box Studio in 2019, but I just didn’t follow through. I at least want to get the portfolio part up because it’s kind of necessary if you’re serious about being an artist!
  • Finish Institutes + start at least one other Great Book.Β I am determined to finish that book so I can move on to something new. πŸ˜›
  • Read the whole Bible. I love my Bible journaling, but it’s starting to feel a little puny to read one chapter a day. I’ve read the whole Bible, but never in one year. I’m going to try using this reading plan to do so, plus keep journaling as I have been.
  • Memorize through Romans 7. Although, I might not want to stop at that chapter, so maybe I’ll get to 8. :’D
  • Make more meaningful art. Recently, I’ve been making mostly small, fun, and fairly useless sketches, mainly fueled by the desire to “keep up” on social media. Yeah, not wise. XD I’m certainly still going to make lots of just-for-fun art, but I also want to be intentional about creating art that glorifies God and enriches others.
  • Put people over projects. Ugh, this is a big one for me. I absolutely love my friends and family, but when I’m knee-deep in some project, I tend to brush relationships to the back-burner. 😦 Often the deadlines are real and the project is good or necessary (or even a way to love people), so sometimes I really do need to get it done. I just need to be careful to not say “yes” to every opportunity in the first place.
  • Post flexibly. Posting 2X week gives me enough space for all my ideas, but each post can require quite a few hours to make. That was fine at one point in my life, but I have too many other responsibilities now (some of which actually make money XD). I love blogging and value the community immensely, but I don’t think it needs to take up this much of my life right now, so I’ll try posting once a week and sometimes twice if I have extra time + photos. For instance: I meant to post this on Tuesday like normal, but our cousins came over for New Year’s and we had lots of fun together instead. πŸ™‚
  • Pursue goals with grace. Some people can’t keep their New Year’s resolutions, but I have the opposite problem – I’m more likely to keep them at all costs, even costs that aren’t worth the goals. I am very productivity-driven, which I’ve discovered is not always a good thing. With God’s grace, hopefully I’ll remember that how many boxes I check does not define me, or even my life or my year! I will never get everything done, and thanks okay. Make goals and fly after them, by all means, but don’t make them an idol!

PHEW! That took forever to make. XD I hope you guys enjoyed this recap of my year! (And if you read the whole thing… you win some virtual sparkling cider and my sincere admiration. :’D)

Here’s to the New Year, my friends. If last year was hard on you (and oh, I know it was for many) I’m so, so sorry. May God bring you blessings this year instead of heartache. And if you had a wonderful year – may 2020 be even better. πŸ™‚

What was your 2019 like? Are you excited about the new year? Did you make resolutions?

Thanks so much for reading, dears, and have a lovely YEAR!


57 thoughts on “Farewell, 2019 {My Year in Review}

  1. OH MY GOODNESS WHAT A JAM-PACKED, EXCELLENT POST. My goodness, what a year, right? You really did have a wonderfully busy year too. AND EEEP, 2020 IS GOING TO BE SO CRAZY. I LOVE the video idea! And ahh, those are great goals! EEP I JUST LOVED THIS POST OKAY? And smiled really, really big when you mentioned helping with the wedding. *beams* πŸ˜€

    Liked by 2 people

    1. HAHA, jam-packed is right! *faints* But YAYYY. I know, right? *shakes head* GAHHH YES, I think I’m more excited for this new year than I have been for a while, and I’m not exactly sure why! XD Thank youuu – I do too! WELL YAY, I’m so happy you liked the post. πŸ™‚ ❀ And HEH, I probably did while I was writing it too. πŸ˜‰


  2. Wow! What a hectic, fun-filled year! It sounds like a lot of fun! I’m so sorry you lost your Aunt and Grandmother, Along with Jinx and willow. It’s always hard to lose pets and even more so with family members. :/ Sounds like the rest of your year was fun though! Painting an entire house wow, I don’t think that that is an accomplishment just anyone can brag about! 😁
    Happy new year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes indeed! Thanks so much, Claire. I appreciate it. ❀️ I did have a good year, though! Haha! Yeah, it was a lot of work, but my Mom especially is an excellent painter and Megan and I have some experience by now. πŸ˜›
      Thanks again, and Happy New Year to you too, dear!


  3. Oh my goodness, what a year! 2019 was full of so many ups and downs for me and crazy memories. It’s blowing my mind to look back on it all! One of my favorite parts was (obviously!) meeting you all!! Seeing those pictures made me SO so happy. πŸ˜€ Here’s to an amazing 2020!

    P.S. You have no idea how bad I want to learn barn dancing! I do ballet, pointe, contemporary, and jazz, and I’d love to try a barn dance! *melts*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YESSS! Ah, I know, it’s amazing how much can happen in one year, isn’t it? I absolutely LOVED meeting you too! Happy New Year,y friend!
      P. S. Oh my word, now I really, really want to take you to a barn dance! It would be SO much fun to see you at one of our church dances because you would absolutely love it! Maybe one day, right? *wistful sigh*

      Liked by 1 person

  4. AH This was all so fantastic! And YES PLEASEβ€”I would love a personality post! I’m quite fascinated by it all and am also an INFJ! I relate so much to over-achieving; it can really effect my important relationships if I’m not careful! But I just have to remember that being perfect isn’t always worth it.☺️ Have you looked into the Enneagram test? I have taken the one at yourenneagramcoach.com and loved it! (Also, if your result doesn’t sound like you, retake it with someone that knows you very very well- most people get it wrong first :):) I would love to know what you get!

    I hope 2020 is extraordinarily fantastic for you!✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh, thanks so much! Ooh, yay! I may make one, then, even if I don’t know much about personality tests in general. XD Yeah, I know…
      I’ve heard of Enneagram but have never taken a test. My best friend thinks I’m a Two, and she very well could be right. What are you?

      Thanks so much, dear – you too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are very welcome!☺️ I am a One, which is the most perfectionist of all the typesβ€”you sounded like a One in your post which is why I mentioned the Enneagram test.πŸ˜‰ You could very well be a One, wing Two. Or a Two with wing One.πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Looking it up could help you settle it.😜 I couldn’t possibly predict what you are, as I don’t know you well enoughβ€”But seeing which type others are is very interesting to me! Which is Aria? (I’m assuming that’s the friend you were talking about πŸ˜‰


        1. Oh yeah, gotcha! I’m sometimes a perfectionist but I don’t know if that’s necessarily my driving force or one of the main parts of who I am. *shrugs* From what I’ve read, I connect more with the Two descriptions, but perhaps I shall take the text sometime and see. πŸ˜‰ And yeah, Aria doesn’t know what Enneagram she is either, although she’s an INFJ as well.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I understand!– that’s one of the interesting things about the Enneagram, finding out that not everyone is motivated by the same things, even if they are the same MBTI type! I didn’t connect with any of the Enneagram types at first- not until my family had me figure it out over Christmas.XD It can be quite confusing! But helpful once you’ve figured it out.😁 …and plus, INFJs are just super complicated themselves. XD

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Great post! I did really badly on accomplishing my 2019 goals, but it’s okay, because it was a really, good, full year! God knew exactly what I needed to accomplish.
    I did that same five-day reading plan recently, and I really liked it! It ended up taking me a year and a half, but regardless, I was so blessed by being able to read through the entire Bible.
    2019 was a major turning point year for me, so I am quite curious to see what the Lord has in store for me for 2020! The unknown opportunities and potential changes ahead make me both excited and nervous!
    Again, I enjoyed reading your post! I’m not as active with my blog or the blogs I follow anymore, but I think I read your blog more than any others… I also received Spark for Christmas, and I am really loving it!! Your poetry and symbolism often has profound and encouraging meaning to me.
    That kind of turned into a long comment,πŸ˜‚ but Happy New Year, and good luck with your goals! I hope your 2020 is filled with grace and blessings from God!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a great attitude to have toward goals, Gracie! I like that. 😊
      Oh really? That’s so encouraging to hear! I’m glad it worked for you.
      Ahh, that’s wonderful! And I know, new years are both exciting and terrifying. XD
      Oh my goodness, that means so much to me! I’m super happy you enjoy my blog, and even happier that you are enjoying my book! That’s what I hoped to achieve with the poems. πŸ’•
      Thanks so much for the lovely, long comment, Gracie. I really love hearing from you. 😊❀️
      A blessed New Year to you too, my dear!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Ahhh, I loved this post. It gave me such a cozy, hopeful feeling, and I’m so glad you had a good year! There were quite a few exciting things that happened this year; I turned 16, we went on our huge road-trip back east, I won my first check in barrel racing (I’m still deliriously happy), got a new horse, and have gotten a whole ne perspective on God’s grace. Wow. It really is amazing how God has reached out to sinners like us, taken our sins away, and calls us His Children. I might cry. :’)

    I love how you made the collage of photos!! One thing I love about your blog (which I know I’ve told you before) is that it feels like we were all along for the ride this past year. I love it. <33

    You're an INFJ? How cool! That would have been one of my guesses for you. I'm an ENFP, one of those energetic individuals who sometimes come across as manic and scatter-brained. But we have hidden depths. *looks off into the distance dramatically*. And we DO need time alone to recharge!! XD I would love to read a post about your type!


    1. Aww! That comment just made me smile. πŸ™‚ Thank you so much, Kendra! I’m happy you enjoyed the post! WOW, that sounds like quite the eventful and exciting year! How wonderful – especially the last part. ❀ It really is amazing, particularly when God opens your eyes to the astounding mercy of it when you usually just pass it by because you've heard it so many times, you know? Ahh.

      Thanks so much! Gah, that just makes me happy, because that's what I try to do with my blog! I love getting to know my readers and writing to real people when I make my posts – I'm just so honored to have this lovely community who reads my blog – including you. πŸ™‚ Thanks for all your lovely comments, dear, and a very happy New Year to you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Now your comment has made ME smile. Thank you so much, Allison! Yes, that’s one of the best parts about blogging. I haven’t really blogged in months, but I can’t bring myself to quit completely because of all the friends I’ve made in the blogosphere. πŸ™‚

        I’m looking forward to your posts this year! Onward to 2020!! πŸ˜€


  7. Great post! I got your book Spark for Christmas and it’s so amazing! The poetry you have done inspired me to write poetry and now it’s one of my favorite things. Thank you!


  8. It is so fun and encouraging to look over a year and to see all that has happened and, even more so, to be reminded of God’s amazing grace and faithfulness through it all, the good and the hard, the beautiful and the messy.

    I love the Mitford series by Jan Karon! Her books are so fun! I think I have only read the first two, but I really need to read the rest.


    1. It really, really is. I totally agree. πŸ™‚
      YES, that’s one of my favorite series! You should read the rest – they’re a lot of fun, and it’s neat to see the characters grow up, like Dooley.


      1. Yup! I got it for Christmas and devoured it in a day. I know I’ll be reading it again in the future. Also, it looks so pretty on my shelf! πŸ˜„ Happy New Year!


  9. WOAH!! You have done a TON this year!! :O I loved all of your pictures! I can’t wait to see what awesome posts come with 2020!! To answer your questions: My 2019 was AWESOME! Super busy but awesome! Yes!! I am super excited! My resolutions are to become a better singer and read my Bible more! πŸ™‚ I really enjoyed this post! πŸ˜€

    -Laura ❀ πŸ™‚


    1. Ha ha, I guess I have! XD Thank you so much, dear. πŸ™‚ ❀ YAYYY, I'm so happy your 2019 was great. πŸ™‚ Ooh, those are excellent resolutions. *applauds* Happy New Year to you, my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. How did I miss this!? XD Anyway, sorry I’m late, but AHHH! I love all the creative editing on these photos! Looks like you had a {mostly} wonderful year! I’m sorry about your great-aunt and your great-grandmother. I’m so glad that they were believers though. ❀ Ooh, those are some great goals for 2020! I agree with you about setting goals, I will often give up way to much to achieve a goal, and sometimes that goal is just simply not worth giving that much. Ooh, I’d love to see a post about personality types! Happy New Year! 😁


    1. Heh heh, no worries! XD XD But THANK YOUU! It was fun to see the different editing styles I used over the years. πŸ™‚ And thanks. ❀ Yes, definitely! Maybe I'll have to do one… Happy New Year to you too, Hannah!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Goodness, WHAT A YEAR! *shakes head* I loooved reading this post and seeing all the beautiful pictures, Allison!
    *sniff* I’m so sorry about Jinx. 😦 Being part of planting a church sounds both hard and amazing – I hope it ends in something wonderful. ❀ Oooh, I would love to see a post about personality types! I've become pretty fascinated by them as of late. πŸ˜€ YAY FOR SPARK, helping out with that book was one of the highlights of my year. πŸ™‚ Wow, Saving Leonardo sounds like an incredible book! *wanders off to Goodreads* Cages and Atlas: Two were on my list of top songs this year as well. πŸ™‚
    Oh my goodness, YAY for your incredible blog and Etsy growth!! That's so wonderful. πŸ˜€ Your 2020 goals look absolutely amazing – I wish you the best of luck in accomplishing them. πŸ™‚
    *accepts virtual sparkling cider* HAPPY 2020, ALLISON! ❀


    1. INDEEEEED. Ahh, yay! I’m so glad. πŸ™‚ ❀
      Thanks. ❀ Honestly, Carmen was the saddest about it, but she's feeling better. Good thing she still has Tom. πŸ™‚ Yeah… it really is! And thank you. πŸ™‚ Ooh, well I may have to do that, then! Aww, really? That's great. ❀ Being helped out with Spark was one of the highlights of mine too! πŸ˜€ IT REALLY IS. You should read it. *nods* Ooh, I love those as well!
      Gahh, thank you! And thanks again!
      WHOOA CONGRATS. O.o I stand in admiration of your perseverance. :'D Also YAYAYAY HAPPY 2020 TO YOU TOO, CLARA!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Great post! It was fun to be a part of many of these things with you. I had forgotten about the unifying aspect of changing pastors. That was super encouraging.

    That’s interesting you discovered you are an INFJ. We’ll have to talk about that sometime. You know I’m such a nerd on this subject!

    I did a blog post about my year as well, though there aren’t any pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Graham! And same! πŸ˜€ YES, that was one of my favorite parts of the year. I pray our church remembers that as we start working on the new building, and God will continue to be faithful as he uses things that could split us to draw us closer together!

      Yep, my best friend actually sort of discovered it for me (she’s an INFJ too). XD We shall! And Sam too, since I know she loves that stuff. πŸ˜€

      Ooh, I will have to check it out! Thanks for the comment. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, and I don’t know why it says my name is Graham “Pastures” Donahue. Google likes to automatically fill out things for me, and sometimes gets confused between “Graham Patrick Donahue” and my old farm name “Growing Pastures Farm”. You gotta love technology…

        Liked by 1 person

  13. I very much enjoyed reading about your year, Allison! Mine seems slightly boring in comparison, partially because I didn’t participate in barn dances and the like. πŸ˜‰ I would say the most important thing that happened this year was that I learned more about God through his Word and I’m learning to trust Him more. He is always faithful.
    I’m glad your art teaching is going well! It seems like such a great opportunity, especially to share and use your artistic gifts. Also, that redbud picture with the spider web is absolutely stunning!! The colors are positively gorgeous.
    I imagine it must be very difficult for you to now be considering to be leaving your church family… I hope it all goes well, and the encouraging thing is that if God is calling you all to do it, then it’s the best thing to do. πŸ™‚
    I’d really like to read The Count of Monte Cristo and Les Miserables, as I’ve heard recommendations from my siblings and now you. Perhaps in the summertime when I have more time to read such large books. The Saving Leonardo book intrigues me, as well! I should see if our library has it. For Christmas my sister gave me the Westward Chronicles series by Tracie Peterson, and I’ve already finished all three books; they were so good (specifically books 1 and 3)! I highly recommend them. πŸ™‚
    Wow, you put Angus Dei on your top songs list! I would say it’s one of my favorite songs to listen to now, as well. I wish David Phelps sang more songs with his daughter. πŸ˜‰
    I think I too need to figure out a balance between relationships and school and projects. I always feel like I don’t have enough time for people what with all my school work. I haven’t really made any resolutions of anything of the sort yet, simply because it’s much too hectic when everyone’s home for Christmas. Now that the house is much more empty, I have time to think about that. πŸ™‚ Here’s to blessed, prosperous, joyful, and peaceful 2020!


    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post, dear! Heh, well obviously my year wasn’t all excitement and joy. There were plenty of boring, sad, or hard times too, some of which I guess I talked about. But hee hee, the dances were great fun. πŸ™‚ Ahh, that’s a WONDERFUL thing to have learned in 2019!
      Thanks! Sometimes it goes better than others, but I’m really grateful for the opportunity either way. ❀ And thanks again! Honestly, I LOVE that picture too. πŸ™‚
      It is, but God's working on my heart. It will get easier. And you're exactly right. ❀ That IS comforting!
      You should definitely read those books! *nods excitedly* I think you'd appreciate Saving Leonardo as well. Ooh, yay, book suggestions! Is Tracie Peterson any relation to Andrew Peterson or no?
      I thought of you when I put it there. πŸ™‚ I think it's such a beautiful song! Yeah.
      *sigh* I KNOW. It's… just hard. Yeah, I can understand that – Christmas is hectic for us too. I hope you have a little more time for reflection now. πŸ™‚ And YES! Happy New Year, my friend, and thank you for the comment!

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      1. Yes, I imagine everyone has their share of boring days. Sometimes I feel slightly guilty about sharing all about exciting happenings in my life, because it sounds like that’s more of my life then it actually is. πŸ˜›
        I don’t know of any relation between Tracie Peterson and Andrew Peterson, but I guess it could be possible! I tend to doubt it, but you never know. πŸ™‚


        1. Ha ha, yeah, same. But I guess the exciting parts are what make a big impact on us, perhaps evening out the quantity of boring days in between. πŸ™‚
          Ahh. I just wondered. πŸ˜‰

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