Pet Photography, Part 1: Donkeys, Bunnies, Etc.

Hello, dears!

Knowing that a) you guys usually love animal photography and b) I haven’t taken bunny pictures in a while, I went out this morning and took a bunch of pictures of all of our pets toΒ  provide your daily dose of cuteness! πŸ™‚ We apparently have too many pets to fit in one post, so I’ll be doing this in two parts.

Enjoy the various fuzziness for today: donkeys, dogs, and rabbits, for today. πŸ™‚

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We shall start with Eeyore the donkey. She usually comes trotting up to the fence when you’re around her pasture, hee hee!

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My youngest sister, Carmen, wanted to help me with these pictures. πŸ˜‰


Donkeys have quite long eyelashes. O.o

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I think her ears are my favorite part. XD They’re so soft and fuzzyyyy.


Next up, Maggie the yellow lab. She appears in quite a few of my posts, so I didn’t take too many photos of her this time. Search “Maggie” on my blog to see more. πŸ™‚


She’s possibly the most lovable (and chubby) yellow lab ever. Also I LOVE THIS PICTURE.


She looks like she’s getting ready to pounce on something…


A brief detour before the rabbits: Carmen’s beta fish who mostly gets ignored, because, I mean… he’s a fish. I don’t even know his name, to be honest. O.o But he IS quite nice to look at!

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Now for the bunnies! I haven’t taken rabbit pictures in so long, my my. But they’re still just as cute as ever. And Olaf is still just as weird. Oo

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Heh heh, poor bun. New Zealands just don’t cut the same figure as other pet rabbits. Chubbiness runs in their family. πŸ˜›

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Basil, on the other hand, is PRETTY ADORABLE. I love how she almost always has one ear up and one ear down. :’D

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In my opinion, this is the best angle for photographing rabbits. HELP.

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Basil has such lovely coloring – kind of a smore’s color scheme.

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Lavender is probably the best bunny, though, since she’s cute, pretty, and actually nice, despite how she’s hiding in the cage here. πŸ˜›

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I don’t think rabbit pictures can ever really look serious or dramatic because… I mean, they’re just too cute for that. BUT, I tried.

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So cuuuuute!

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Eventually, Carmen put both rabbits on top of the cage together, after which they huddled beside each other for safety.

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See what I mean about this being the best angle? The chubby cheeks, though!

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Basil looks so shy when she actually puts both ears down. XD

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Bunnies have possibly the cutest washing routine ever, even if it doesn’t photograph that well.

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AWWW. I love it when they lick each other! It’s like a bunny version of a hug. πŸ™‚

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We shall end with this adorable one – if you look close enough, you can see Lavender’s tiny tongue sticking out. XD

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BUNNIIIIEEEES. (And all the other animals, too…) I loved taking those photos and I hope you enjoyed seeing them, my friends!

Dogs, rabbits, donkeys, or fish? What pets do you have? Which photo was your favorite?

Thanks so much for reading, dears, and have a lovely day!


P. S. Photos taken with my Nikon D3400 and a 50mm lens, and (some of the photos were) edited with

39 thoughts on “Pet Photography, Part 1: Donkeys, Bunnies, Etc.

  1. Aww, Eeyore and bunnies!! Some of the most adorable creatures on the planet all in one post! And Maggie. We can’t forget about Maggie; she’s adorable too. ❀ ❀ Lovely pictures, Allison! By the way, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Also, I wanted to tell you that for most of our November, my family and I were in Virginia! We went on this huge cross country trip starting in late October and last for three weeks, going ALLLL the way back East to see Civil War and American Revolution (<- my favorite time period) historic sites, museums, etc. We even went to Colonial Williamsburg, which was amazing! While we were there (in Virginia) I thought of you guys. It would've been fun to try and meet up or something, but we did not have time. XP


    1. Hee hee! I know, so much cuteness. Thanks so much, Kendra! And ooh, really? That’s amazing! How fun. And yes, I had an absolutely splendid Thanksgiving which I will post about soon, hopefully! πŸ˜„

      Liked by 1 person

  2. YAYAYAY!! EEYORE!!! Her fluffy ears are so adorable. *heart eyes* ❀ I think Calvin and Eeyore would be great pals! πŸ˜› Maggie!! She is has the most adorable eyes ever!! ❀ Ohh! That's a cool fish! πŸ˜‰ BUNNIES!! I am still using the bunny calendar that y'all gave me for Christmas last year and every month there is a cuter bunny! XD Olaf is quite chubby! XD Awww!! Basil is so adorable!! *squishes her* Ahhh! That picture of her tiny nose!! Lavender has such a cool color! And she is also adorable. XD To answer your questions: Dogs with donkeys as a close second. πŸ˜› We have goats, a cow, cats, a rabbit, and a dog! πŸ˜› My favorite photo was the first one of Eeyore! ❀ These were AMAZING pictures!! I really enjoyed them! πŸ™‚ Happy Thanksgiving! πŸ˜€

    -Laura ❀ πŸ™‚


    1. Hee hee, EEYORE IS GREAT. I think Calvin and EEYORE would be great pals too. πŸ˜› Aww, really? That’s great! HA HA, YES. Good choice. πŸ˜‰ Wow, you have a lot of pets! I love the first Eeyore photo too. πŸ™‚ Thank you SO much, Laura! Happy late Thanksgiving to you!


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