Sunflower at Golden Hour {Sisters Photoshoot}

Hello, dears!

I’m back with the promised golden hour photoshoot today! My sister Megan received a beautiful sunflower shirt for review from this shop, so of course we had to get a bunch of pictures for her post. (Also I literally just realized I copied her title after I finished writing the post. :’D ) We had fun finding different photo locations and attemptingΒ to think of different poses, heh heh. I hope you enjoy these golden photos!

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We started out amongst the black-eyed susans, since that was the only decent patch of yellow flowers we could find to match with the shirt. πŸ˜›

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Then we tried the huge marigold bushes, but they kind of engulfed Megan like she was either she was very huggable or very edible, so we decided to move somewhere else…

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Like to Maggie! PUPPYYY! Maggie makes a great photo prop. πŸ˜‰ Also fun fact: we transplanted that little tree from the woods to our yard last year, and it’s still alive and growing!

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We not only planted a big “normal garden” this year, but we grew a ton of flowers and even planted this lovely herb garden. Here, Megan is gazing contemplatively at a nasturtium blossom. πŸ˜€

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This little white shed in our backyard makes a great photography location. I believe it used to be a feedhouse, but we always call it the smokehouse for some reason.

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Megan made an excellent model for the shirt, don’t you think? Bonus points for her hair color almost matching the line art.

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Ooh, I LOVE this one! The lighting is so delicate and beautiful.

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Heh heh, so as not to get TOO poetic, Megan added in one of her trademark poses, which I think originated in this photoshoot. Or possibly this one.

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Sadly, our wildflower gardens are winding down for the year, especially the two small ones where we took these pictures. But at least they still had a bit of color left!

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Doesn’t this picture just look like summer to you, with the sunny shirt, faded jeans, tiny bouquet, and friendship bracelets? I had to post this shoot quick before it’s fall. O.o

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Maggie followed Megan out to the field to look cute in the stubble. πŸ˜›

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AHHH, I LOVE THIS ONE for some reason. Maybe it’s a combination of the composition, golden light, and the way Megan’s looking away while Maggie’s staring up at her adoringly.

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I think this shirt looks just like Megan’s style – simple, happy, and flower-y. πŸ™‚

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We moved over to pet a flower…

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The lightiiiiing! AHH.

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Heh heh, what a great pose. πŸ˜› I believe Megan was trying to climb up into the redbud tree, but this is as far as she got.

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Into the wild yellow yonder! Hmm, I’m afraid that doesn’t have quite the same ring.

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Fences make almost as good of props as cute dogs do! Not only can you lean against them, but…

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You can balance on top of them! Or at least try. Megan got it for about two seconds, during which I snapped a couple of pictures.

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We’ll end with a couple more action shots that are actually supposed to be action shots. XD Heh heh, jumping photos are always so FUN.

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THIS IS GREAT. The longer your hair, the more impressive jumping shots usually are. πŸ˜‰

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Ahh, that was fun. We shall have to do another one of these soon, maybe with another product review. Are there any more t-shirts or clothes on Etsy you’d like us to possibly try out and review? We’re open to suggestions! πŸ˜€ Also…

Which photo was your favorite? Isn’t Megan’s shirt great? Do you think you could balance on that fence?

Thanks so much for reading, dears, and have a lovely day!


P. S. Photos taken with my Nikon D3400 and a 35mm lens, or possibly a 50mm. I forget. XD Edited with

24 thoughts on “Sunflower at Golden Hour {Sisters Photoshoot}

  1. Ohh! I love all of these pictures! The jumping pictures are my favorite though. XD MAGGIE IS SO CUTE! ❀ Yes! Megan's shirt is awesome! And no, I do not think I would be able to balance on that fence. XD Awesome awesome pictures! πŸ™‚

    -Laura ❀ πŸ™‚


  2. I loved these pictures. πŸ™‚ HAHA HUGGABLE OR EDIBLE. XD

    These were my favorites:

    It looked like it was semi-cloudy so the light wasn’t super harsh! Either that or you got it during the latter part of golden hour. Your portraits are definitely improving, my dear!


    1. πŸ˜› πŸ˜›
      OOH FAVORITES. Thanks so much, dear! I really like those ones too. πŸ™‚
      And yep, you’re right! It was both sometimes cloudy and also the latter part of the golden hour. The changeable lighting was really hard to work with, actually, but they turned out nice! I’m so glad you approve. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


  3. Ahh, the liiighhtting!!! 😍 Golden hour is my favourite time for phootshoots! And it goes so well with the t-shirt. Megan is such a great model – the sunflower tee is just soo her! Well done!…your photography is just awesome! And nope, I don’t think I could balance on the fence haha


  4. EEEP, SO PRETTY! I love golden hour photoshoots, the light is just so dreamy and soft. I love that color of shirt on Megan, it matches her hair so well. πŸ™‚


  5. Beautiful, bright happy photos of your sister. Do you think they were taken with 35mm lens? Also, you & your sister should consider designing your own tees. Like with CafePress or Spreadshirt. Then you guys would be modeling your own creations. πŸ‘•πŸ›πŸ‘–


    1. Thanks so much! ❀ Okay, so I just checked the properties on one of the photos and apparently I took it with my 50mm lens. πŸ™‚ Ooh, that's a great idea! I would love to design t-shirts someday. πŸ™‚


  6. *appears with halfhearted fanfare in the background* I AM FINALLY COMMENTING ON YOUR POSTS. Or at least a few of them before school swallows me whole again. XD Ahh, I wish I’d been able to leave more comments on your posts over the past two months, but please do know that I read all of them and LOVE them of course! ❀ Anyway, prepare for a bunch of comments from me over the next few minutes. πŸ˜€
    My favorite thing about these photos is the gorgeous, faded-yet-colorful look that they have – that's my favorite style of photography. ❀ I don't know if I can pick a favorite picture, but maybe the one with Megan with the flower in her mouth. XD That shirt is such a pretty color, and it looks great with the flowers especially! Your sisters photoshoots are always some of my favorite posts that you do. πŸ˜€


    1. HAHAHA WELL YAYYYY! Aww, well I know the feeling – it’s been the same way lately for me. :/ But anyway, that’s so kind of you to say and appreciate it SO much! ❀ And now I shall settle back and enjoy the many Clara comments. πŸ˜€
      Ahem. AHH, REALLY? Thank you SO much! I love that style of photography too, although I have a hard time achieving it often… Hee hee, I liked the flower-in-her-mouth picture too. XD I'm so glad you like sisters photoshoots, because I love doing them!
      Thanks again for the remarkably lovely comment, dear. πŸ™‚

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