Fall Colors {Autumn Photography}

Hello, dears!

I hear tell it’s getting CLOSE TO CHRISTMAS. Do you think the rumors are true? XD Since itย is still November, I thought I’d show you guys some last fall photos I haven’t posted yet before the advent countdown officially begins. I absolutely LOVE how some of these turned out, and I hope you will too!

First, some pretty foliage by the Cedar House. For some reason the leaves were much more vibrant at this part of our farm.

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I usually don’t like this editing technique, but I couldn’t resist this time, because it made the leaves pop so much more! Plus the fence and grass weren’t very attractive in the gloomy, cloudy light.

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Aren’t the old fences picturesque? ๐Ÿ™‚ And doesn’t that straight line of pines at the horizon look slightly strange? Like a green caterpillar or something…

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Maybe it’s just me, but colors sometimes seem brighter when they’re just blurs…

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I walked down to the pond to collect some pretty leaves for bouquets, and found several stunning little sweet gum trees!

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The pictures might not show it very well, but this tiny tree had the richest, reddest leaves I have EVER seen.

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Ahh, aren’t they beautiful?

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Even better, they were hanging over water. SO. PRETTY.

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Okay, this is definitely one of my favorite photos in this post. It’s so clear and bright and beautiful, plus I LOVE water drops and ripples… and just water, mostly. XD

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Change of scene! XD This is Megan’s donkey, Eeyore, seen through a haze of fall leaves.

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Another change of scene! The rest of the photos in this post were taken on a Sunday walk my family and I went on around our farm. Exploring the farm with my family is one of my favorite things; it’s always refreshing and quite fun.

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AHHH ANOTHER FAVORITE! Because 1) Look, it’s a purple flower! Purple is my favorite color, and it’s pretty rare to find anything purple in nature; 2) the golden light… *sighs with happiness*; 3) BOKEH. You knew I was going to say that, didn’t you? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Even though this picture is pretty similar, I had to include it because look at that interesting and beautiful sun flare on the right! It has stars and rainbows and everything! XD

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Another pretty flower, golden light, bokeh, and sun flare. ๐Ÿ™‚ It looks summery, doesn’t it?

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Oops, heh. I was having too much fun with those flowers. XD But this is one of my very favorite kinds of photography. โค

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We collected pretty leaves on this walk too, and I think Carmen volunteered for a picture with one of the branches (or else I just asked her). ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also, look at the rainbow flare!

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She makes a very good model, don’t you think? ๐Ÿ˜€ โค

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I’m really enjoying the ferns sprinkled all over our woods. They’re so delicate and pretty.

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OOH! โค Kind of a cliche photography idea, but a pretty one, nonetheless. I love how lacy the leaves look from this angle.

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My siblings found an old hunting stand that was badly in need of repair, and decided to repair it. I’m not sure if they’ve finished it by now or not, but they worked on it for a good while. Oh, and they named it Rivendell. XD XD

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I wouldn’t have included this picture except JEFF! HAHA, look to the right of the picture. Yep, that’s a machete. He loves to hack weeds, oh dear. (Don’t worry, we stay out of the way. ๐Ÿ˜› )

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I love going to this spot at the golden hour because the light transforms the brown, dried grass into strands of copper and gold and bronze. Ahhhhh…

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I love this one! (I say that too often, but only because it’s true! XD) Dad’s coat blends in with the other colors, but stillย  stands out since it’s lined with sun.

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Dried goldenrod can be gorgeous, can’t it? I wish I had a heart eyes emoji on my computer…

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AHHHHH, these pictures make me happy! ๐Ÿ˜€

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This looks posed, but it’s not. They just lined up like that on their own. ๐Ÿ˜› I think Carmen, Jeff, and Megan headed back a little earlier than the rest of us so they could make pancakes and sausage gravy for supper. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Carmen likes to pick flowers for Mom’s hair. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Does this purple one look familiar?

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Okay, dried sumac isn’t theย prettiest, but I went to so much trouble and through so many weeds to see if I could get a good picture that I’m posting it anyway. So there. ๐Ÿ˜›

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Last but not least, a fieldscape. Is that a word? Apparently spellcheck thinks it isn’t…

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Ahh, that was fun. I love writing and taking pictures for these kinds of posts – I hope you enjoy reading them!

Which picture was your favorite? Do you like sun flares? Have the leaves fallen off the trees where you live now too? And have you started listening to Christmas music?ย  I usually wait till December, but I couldn’t resist this year… XD

Thanks so much for reading, dears, and have a lovely day!


56 thoughts on “Fall Colors {Autumn Photography}

    1. Aww, thanks! And thank you so much for showing your favorite! ๐Ÿ˜€
      Oh dear, that’s sad. O.o But HEY, you have snow?? I wish we did! XD Well… maybe not quite yet, but soon, anyway! ๐Ÿ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  1. So pretty!!! I love all the colors. I can’t really choose a favorite-but I do like the one with the red leaves and the water ripple. Yess *raises hand* I love sun flares! We only had about 1 1/2 weeks of fall ๐Ÿ˜ฆ It stayed warm late and got cold early. Now there are leaves all over the ground, and snow, and the birds are singing-it’s like a mix of all the seasons. Ehehe yup I’ve definitely started listening to Christmas music (maybe just a little bit before Thanksgiving)…


  2. Wow these are really beautiful photos, I love the gold and red autumn coloring and the glow of the sun, I wish it was like that here…but right now it’s raining :(. Haha, Rivendell…big lotr fans? And yes Allison, it is definitely close to christmas!…I started listening to christmas music in July.


    1. Aww, thanks! *shakes head* Yeah, it’s not the nicest weather here right now either. Ha ha, I guess. XD Not as big as some people, but they do like it! HA HA WHAT?? Aren’t you tired of Christmas music by now?? :’D
      Thanks so much for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. EEP, LOVELY POST, DEAR! Pretty colors. I love all the golden-hour pictures, especially the ones of your siblings (PROBABLY BECAUSE I MISS YOU GUYS HELP). I really like the last one. (Also your parents are cute. ๐Ÿ™‚ ) I loved the water droplets and ripples picture too! โคโค


  4. *dies of bliss* These pictures are gorgeous as always!! Your farm is so big and beautiful, its so cool that your siblings found that old hunting stand and named it Rivendell! That’s the perfect name. I think your siblings are kindred spirits. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I have not started listening to Christmas music consistently but I have listened to some here and there since June. XDD

    Happy Holidays!!


    1. D’aww, hee hee! Thanks so much, Kendra! HA HA, maybe so, maybe so. :’D And wooooow. XD XD Thanks so much for the great comment, Kendra, and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you too! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the sun flares! It’s still kind of a mystery to me how the different colors and shapes of sun flares show up in photos. All the leaves are gone from the trees here, and we even had snow recently! It’s all gone now, though, but the snow made me feel like it was Winter. ๐Ÿ™‚ I have started listening to a bit of Christmas music, but mostly instrumental cds. I’ll probably wait a bit before listening to a bunch of it, partially because there’s not an unlimited amount of different Christmas songs, and I don’t want to be bored of it before the 25th. One of my favorite pictures is the one of Carmen holding the leaves in front of her face. The rainbow sun flare is the perfect touch!


    1. Me tooo! Yeah, same here… Ooh, it just snowed here today too! But it melted super quickly. I know exactly what you mean about Christmas music – I try not to get tired of it either. *nods* Thanks, dear! I like that picture as well. ๐Ÿ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  6. As alwys, your captivating photos never fails to mesmerize me. I actually love the sunday walking things u had there with your fam..what a great farm u got there..wish i could visit someday.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love these photos!! I especially love the ones of the snow!!! They are just so neat! ๐Ÿ˜Š You are wonderful at photography! ๐Ÿ˜Š Carmen is quite good at posing for photos….perhaps it is a littlest sis thing? My sister loves to pose (MOST of the time), too! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  8. These are BEAUTIFUL! I love the sweet gum trees over the pond. They’re so vibrant! Sadly, all of the fall leaves and the pretty colors were gone by Thanksgiving. ): But, that gives a l i t t l e more room for Christmas(:
    Feildscape should definatly be a word(:

    Have a great day!
    ~theJunebugblog | https://thejunebugblog.wordpress.com


    1. Ahh, thanks! I loved them too. โค โค *sigh* I know – our leaves are gone now too, and it's so sad! But true! It wouldn't be right for leaves to be on the trees for Christmas now would it. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Heh heh, and YES. XD Thanks for the comment, dear!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Okay, those COLORS! We get fall here for about 1 week and then it’s gone… But it’s always my favorite season! I love the crisp mornings and watching the leaves change.


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