ART STUDIO {Part 1 + Photowall Review}

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GUYS GUYS GUYS I AM SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED. Because, as you probably guessed, I’M GETTING AN ART STUDIO. ๐Ÿ˜€ I have wanted my own space for arts and crafts for practically forever, and I can’t believe I finally get to have one!

My new studio is actually in a closet. XD We definitely don’t need all four closets in our bedroom + bathroom at the new house, so Mom thought I could make the biggest walk-in closet into my studio!

It’s basically a small room, complete with a window and shelves for storage. It’s only about 60 square feet, but I think it will work great for just me. ๐Ÿ™‚ However, it certainly wasn’t set up for a studio at first, and that’s what I’ll be showing you today: how I turned a closet into a space for a studio!

PLUS, Photowall contacted me and wondered if I wanted to do a review for them in exchange for a free product, and I was like, โ€œOH YES PLEASE.โ€ (I didn’t actually say that.) XD Are you as excited about this post as I am? I DOUBT IT. XD

Alright, let’s get started! First, this is how the closet looked to begin with:




Doesn’t exactly look like a studio yet, huh? Well the first step toward that goal was to get rid of the shelves and to take off the door for more space. I decided to keep the shelves in that little cubby above because really, it was too small and had too low of a ceiling to turn into anything else.

My brother Jeff helped me with the demo, and then Dad spackled (or plastered) over the marks where the shelves and hinges had been (and where Jeff had applied the crowbar a bit too vigorously, heh heh). After a few coats of plaster and some sanding, it was ready to be painted! I painted it in Valspar’s โ€œDove Whiteโ€ because I want the studio to look clean and bright, with pops of color.


I’ll get more into my color scheme and dรฉcor in a later post, but I’m thinking white, navy, purple, pink, and gold. โค Ahh, I can’t WAIT!

Anyway, here’s what it looked like after taking out the shelves and door, plastering, and painting. So much better already! Doesn’t it look a lot bigger?


Next, it was time to put up the wallpaper, and now it’s time for the review part of the post. As I said, I did get this product for free, but obviously I’m going to be honest about my likes and dislikes, because otherwise what use would a review be? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Photowall is a Swedish design company that sells both canvases and wall murals/wallpaper. Also, one super neat part of their site is that you can upload your own image! So if you have a high-res picture, you can get wallpaper or a canvas with your own photo or art on it! I considered that, but decided to go with a more clean, modern look, like the White Grafo pattern I ended up choosing.


I went with the premium wallpaper instead of the standard, because hey, why not? It was wonderfully thick and almost rubbery-feeling, like it would wipe off easily. The pattern was printed beautifully as well.

I ordered about 6.7 square meters, which cost $243. Preeetty expensive, especially considering you can get wallpaper at Home Depot for $0.79/sq. ft., compared to $3.67/sq. ft. at Photowall. :[] I also ordered the wallpaper kit, which you can get separately for $20.

However the shipping was free – and super fast! The customer service was also great, in my experience. Here are the boxes the products were shipped in:


The wallpaper box included the following:


  • wallpaper (duh)
  • wallpaper paste powder
  • instructions

And as for the kit box, I was surprised at how many different things were included! It seriously has EVERY SINGLE THING you need to put up wallpaper, except supplies pertaining to mixing up the paste (water, a bucket, and a stir stick).


  • paste brush
  • wallpaper brush
  • trim guide
  • seam roller
  • spirit level
  • knife
  • pencil

And now for putting it up! It took a bit to mix up the paste and let it set, and it was definitely more work than using pre-pasted wallpaper (or so my mom tells me), but it seemed to work pretty well. Thanks to my mom for taking the next two pictures. ๐Ÿ˜‰


One helpful feature of this wallpaper is that the panels are numbered. It’s not just one big sheet, it’s split into several sheets that you cut apart and then paste on. You do have to match up the seams, but it feels more manageable. ๐Ÿ™‚ It still took about 2 ยฝ hours, though, with Mom and I putting it up together.


It looked SO good once we got it all up, eep! But one thing that really scared me was these brown patches that appeared on the paper as it was drying:

Yikes, what a terrible picture. :[]
Thank goodness they don’t stay! It must just take a really long time to dry (more than three days, in fact), but that’s probably because it was cold in there and not super well ventilated. And now, this is how the studio looks thus far:

Thanks to my sister Megan for taking this picture. ๐Ÿ™‚



AHHH I LOVE IT. The wallpaper actually made the space feel bigger for some strange reason, and it definitely made it feel more like a room than a closet. I’m really happy with my pattern choice and with the product itself. ๐Ÿ™‚

To recap…


  • Fast, free shipping
  • Excellent quality wallpaper
  • ENORMOUS selection of beautiful prints and patterns
  • Easy-to-use website and instructions
  • Great customer service


  • Very pricey
  • Doesn’t come pre-pasted
  • Fairly long application and drying times (at least for the premium paper)

Basically, I absolutely love everything but the price. I would highly recommend the product and company itself – the wallpaper is beautiful, high quality resolution, and scratch/tear-resistant – but I personally would go with a cheaper option if I did it again and not for free.

If the price doesn’t worry you, though, or if you just want one of their beautiful and unique murals you can’t get anywhere else, then Photowall is the company to buy from! Even if you don’t need any wallpaper at the moment, you should totally check out their website – remember they also have a huge selection of canvases, and I’ve heard they’re pretty great too! ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope you enjoyed reading this rather lengthy post, and stay tuned for Part 2! In the next art studio post, I’m going to furnish the studio and put up at least some of the decorations. โค YAY!

Thanks for stopping by, dears, and have a lovely day!


116 thoughts on “ART STUDIO {Part 1 + Photowall Review}

  1. YAY, FIRST LIKE. And maybe first comment?

    Wow, that is so incredibly cool that you get A STUDIO. Like seriously, a STUDIO. It looks like the perfect place for one! Haha, my brother has a cubby like that in his room, and it’s incredibly annoying because we always bang our heads on it. XD You simply must post a studio tour – it sounds like it’s going to be so beautiful! Of course it kinda already is – and I absolutely love the wallpaper you chose!

    I also very much enjoyed the review – it was very well done, although I don’t think I’ll be using Photowall anytime soon! Goodness gracious, that IS expensive! I cannot wait to see all the decorations – it will be so exciting!

    Also, your letter (and Megan’s) should be sent soon! I went on a trip to China, and I meant to send them before I went – I wrote them and everything – but I ended up forgetting. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Phew, that was a pretty lengthy comment! XD

    Liked by 2 people

    1. YES TO BOTH! XD

      Ahhh thank you so much! Yes, I am SO excited! Ha ha, yeah… ๐Ÿ˜› Don’t worry, I’ll most definitely post a studio tour when I’m done, hee hee! Also thanks!
      And yay, I’m so glad you liked the review! Goodness, it sure took a while to write. XD I know, right? It IS pretty amazing wallpaper, though, but still. Hee hee, ME NEITHER.

      Also yayyy! Oh that’s totally fine, I understand. How was the trip?


      Liked by 2 people

      1. YAY. I was first on Megan’s post too! *pumps fist*

        Ooh, yayayayayayayayayayayay!! Hehehehehehe. XD Reviews are so fun to read though, aren’t they?

        Hehe, it was great, thank you! We mostly went there to visit relatives!

        ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜› YAY.


  2. Yayay for you! I love your closet! Err, room. Its so exciting, isn’t it? I know I would be pumped. (But some of my siblings say I’m always pumped…hmmmm…)


  3. An art studio AND getting an offer to review a product- THAT’S SO COOL! Your art studio looks amazing- and it’s not even the finished product!! I’m so excited for you!!!!!!!


  4. I saw this post in my Reader and was like, “Ooh, yay, a post from Allison!” Then a moment later the title sunk in and I got extremely excited. XD I think that was a new record for my fastest post-reading time. XD XD
    YOUR ART STUDIO LOOKS SO AMAZING! It’s so bright and clean-looking, especially after the new paint and the wallpaper. The hardwood floors are so pretty, too! And that is so cool that Photowall sent you the wallpaper for free. It looks absolutely amazing! ๐Ÿ˜€ I can’t WAIT for part 2. Could you post it soon – maybe tomorrow? Please? *hopeful smile* XD

    -Clara โค


    1. HAHAHA that’s hilarious. *grins* Also THANK YOU SO MUCH! Yes, I agree! I know, right? And yay, I’m so glad you can’t wait! HA HA, weeeell. I wish I could, but I don’t have anything to put in it yet. :[] Right now it looks just like it does in the pictures. *sigh* I DID order a chair, though, and I’m working on some other stuff, so hopefully it won’t be too long. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thanks for the lovely comment, dear!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, your studio looks great! I can’t wait to see how the finished room looks ๐Ÿ˜€ Also, I LOVE your choice of wallpaper ๐Ÿ˜‰


  6. Great review, Allison! I am with you on the prices. I donโ€™t think that I wouldโ€™ve bought the same thing if I had to pay for it. I really liked the company other than that! I will say I was a little surprised to see that you didnโ€™t get a canvas with one of your pictures on it since you have such gorgeous photos. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love the wallpaper tho! It looks really good. ๐Ÿ˜€


    1. Thanks so much, Maddy! Yeah, I agree. Ha ha, I know. XD I was going to get a canvas but I absolutely could NOT decide on just one picture, and I also didn’t know for sure where I would put it. So when I saw the wallpaper and Mom said I could have a studio, I was like, “PERFECT!” XD And thanks again, dear! I like how it looks too. ๐Ÿ™‚


  7. OH MY GOODNESS! I would โค to have an adorable art studio like yours! I love the wallpaper and the room looks so cute and cozy! CONGRATS!


    1. Thank you so much! Ha ha, I know! And two of them were walk-in! O.o We only had one pretty small closet at home so we’re like, “Um yeahhhh, pretty sure we don’t need all that space.” XD And thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. That is super pretty and neat!! I canโ€™t wait to see what it looks like when itโ€™s all finished! ๐ŸŽจ


  9. Oooh! So fun!! That’s a great closet for an art/craft studio! The window is so pretty. It’s looking amazing already and I look forward to seeing the finished product… and all the artsy things you’ll get to do in there! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€


  10. I love watching room transformations!! I always wanted a lil art studio area (I actually was thinking about using my closet but it was way too small) Can’t wait to see how you decorate it!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh this is SO cool! Totally happy for you and your lovely art work shows you deserve it! I am so jealous in a good way.๐Ÿ˜‹ I want my own so bad because I also am a artist but for now I decorate my small closet for my work, I love your choice of wallpaper and am really looking forward to the finished look!โค



    Liked by 1 person

  12. Great blog today. Photos of your project good. Glad you have a space for your studio now. The Dove White paint idea is my favorite too. With colorful paintings etc. on the wall. Change them as you please. Best Wishes!


      1. Thanks for reply. Yes, this was a HAPPY blog, after the Goodbye blog! Visited your store on Esty couple days ago, just to check it out. Very nice professional art work. You may wish to set up Twitter account to promote your blog & Esty. Will be making some purchases soon. In fact, couple of your colorful artwork pics perfect for dove white color walls. My phone’s app may be switching me between WP & my gmail account. So hope the replies etc. make sense. Take care.


        1. Sure, and thanks for the comment! Ha ha, you’re right. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also thank you SO much! And yes, that’s a good suggestion. Aww, thank you, and I agree! I will probably hang up some of my artwork in the studio. Oh, that’s fine, hee hee. They still make sense. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again for the comment!


  13. I’m so glad you get your own space! ๐Ÿ˜€ I have four siblings and we live in a four bedroom apartment (one of the bedrooms is a study/guest bedroom, that I have taken over as my writing room), so I understand the need to have a space to do art. XD Can’t wait to see the finished product!


    1. Oh me too! And I can decorate it how I want instead of having to see if Megan won’t mind this color or this thing. ๐Ÿ˜› SO I’M USING PINK. Heh. Wow, yeah, I can see that! The house we’re living in now (the Cedar House down at the new farm) only has three bedrooms too. It works, but it’s tight. Thanks again for the comment, dear!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. YES YES A STUDIOOOO! Hee hee, right? I can’t believe I finally get to have one! Also THANK THEE. I like it too, but NO YOU DON’T because we made sure to stick it to the wall quite well so it’s not coming up anytime soon, even for you. *crosses arms*

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Ohhh! That is so neat you got your own art and crafting room! ๐Ÿ˜€ Woh! That is expensive! XD ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I can’t wait to see how you decorate it! ๐Ÿ™‚

    -Laura โค ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I LOVE THE WAY IT LOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So pretty!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ Great wallpaper choice! I can’t wait until you start decorating! WOW That is extremely expensive.


  16. I’m glad I checked in to see what you are working on…how awesome, your own art space! It looks like a perfect place to go inside, shut the door, and just create! It’s so bright and cute for a closet …and all the ready shelves waiting to be filled with supplies ๐Ÿ™‚ Can’t wait we see pics after you have ‘moved in’. Congrats Allison ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I’m glad too! ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you so much for dropping by.
      And thank you! Yes, I love it. โค Hee hee, I'm looking forward to it myself! Thanks again for the comment. ๐Ÿ™‚


  17. Wow, I’m SO excited!!! It’s so perfect, and the wall paper was just the right thing, so perfect for the space! I know you must be stoked, I know I would be! And that’s epic Photowall did that for you, so so neat! I CANNOT wait to see part 2! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

      1. If you don’t mind high prices, you could try Crate&Kids. (previously Land of Nod) Though, as the name suggests, they are targeting younger kids. I’m ten, and I’m pretty sure they’re mainly targeting kids younger then me. But maybe Crate&Barrel? I don’t know much about them, but I expect similar furniture to Crate&Kids, which has some very nice designs that I think would match your art studio. (That was easier than I thought!)


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