Moving On {Part 1}

Heyyy there, guys!

Wow, I haven’t had this long of a post gap for a long time. Okay, a week really isn’t “a long post gap.” XD But like I said, posting is going to be somewhat irregular because we’re moving! Before we do, there’s a good bit of work to be done in both the houses and the new farm in general, and that’s what we’re doing right now. Going down there for a couple of days a week keeps us pretty busy, phew!

Anyway, I thought I’d make a series of posts showing our process, with pictures that we can look back on as a sort of “before-and-after” of the whole project. Today I’ll be sharing our work on this house so far, which we call the Cedar House:Isn’t it cute? This is the second house on the farm, and the one we will use as a guest house (and possibly an Airbnb later!). We’re fixing it up first so we can stay there while we fix up the main house, which will need more big-picture repair, like the roof and ceilings.

But before we get to the renovations, I wanted to show you these pretty pictures from the drive there. I love mountains. ♥

This one is probably over-edited, but I like it. 🙂

The walls were marked up pretty badly and in definite need of a fresh coat of paint. Heh heh.It looks so much better now! We painted it “Intense White” from Benjamin Moore, but the name is rather misleading because it’s more like a nice, light gray. My grandmother (in the picture below) is super good at painting and she comes up and helps us often. 🙂 I rather like this picture. ♥Oh, and speaking of painting, we painted this popcorn ceiling (you can kind of see it in that picture) in an upstairs bedroom, and the next day, it was coming down. The popcorn texture was just peeling off the ceiling, so we had to scrape it all off and sand it down. AND THEN IT HAPPENED AGAIN in the living room. It was awful, especially the fact that plaster dust gets seriously everywhere. The house was coated in it after we were done, and we had to clean hard and long to get rid of it. Woohoo.

The dust doesn’t just get on the house, it gets on YOU. See? Poor Megan. XDMoral of the story: NEVER PUT UP POPCORN CEILINGS.

I, thankfully, didn’t have to sand because I was… um, very busily employed in doing other things. XD But don’t worry, I was working. My little sister Carmen and I cleaned out the kitchen and arranged and organized the few utensils and glasses and such that we had.

It’s so funny, but we both love organizing – and cleaning too, when we’re in the mood. That day we were so much in the mood that we went on to other parts of the house and cleaned windows and swept the deck and all sorts of things. It was quite satisfying. 😛We got creative and decided to decorate a jar and tin can with painter’s tape. XDIsn’t this next picture so cute? I just find it amusing that my seven-year-old sister would do this in her free time. :’)Strangely enough, there are ladybugs all over the house, especially in the corners of the walls. But hey, I’m not complaining – I’d much rather have ladybugs than flies or spiders or stinkbugs. *shrugs*One evening when we were getting a bedroom ready to be painted, we found these strange round stickers on the wall. We all wondered what they were there for, because they were scattered all over the room and kind of blended in with the paint – they didn’t really seem to serve a purpose. But then one of the kids (I think it was me 😛 ) thought to turn off the lights and it was beautiful! The stickers were glow-in-the-dark, and it felt like standing in space because there were so many “stars” on the walls.

It was REALLY hard to get a good picture of, which is probably why I didn’t. Heh. It was much more impressive in real life, believe me. 😉Since we (the kids) thought they were so neat, we peeled off all the stickers and put them on a basement wall in the main house. 🙂

Speaking of stars, you can see so many here! Even though we live out in the country at our current farm (well obviously XD), you can see seriously like five times more stars here! It’s less like individual pinpricks and more like a whole pot of silver glitter spilled across the sky. I love it. 🙂 And yes, I did take a picture, but it’s even worse than the one of the fake stars, so I’ll save it for… uh, never. XD

How ’bout a picture of frost crystals instead to end the post? Guys, it is SO cold at both farms. How’s the weather where you live?Well, that’s about it for this part. I have several more pictures and adventures for later, so stay tuned! 😉

Has you or your family ever renovated a house? Or maybe repainted a room or bedroom? I’m excited to decorate our new bedroom in the main house – and don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll post about that when we do. XD

Well, see you later, dears, and thanks for reading! Have a lovely day, and stay warm. 😉


126 thoughts on “Moving On {Part 1}

  1. Megan..XD XD XD Its raining right now. I love the rain *contented sigh* My family has renovated a house before annnnnd it was A LOT of work, we are currently renting that house out but we are going to start building another house on the property in may!! (we will actually be living in that one) 😀 I’m so excited!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. *shakes head* XD XD Really? It’s raining here too! Or at least it was very recently. I love the sound of rain too. 🙂 Oh really? I KNOW it is SUCH a huge project! Wow, that’s super exciting, Liz! I hope it goes well. 🙂

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  2. We had to redo our upstairs bathroom and the floor in our living room in 2016 because the septic tank on our toilet cracked, which resulted in the water coming down into the living room floor. We still don’t know what caused that to happen because our toilet was perfectly fine when we left work that morning. And we have popcorn ceilings in all of the rooms in our house, so I completely understand your frustrations with that.

    But overall, it looks like your coming along with your house. Are you excited about moving or sad to leave?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my! That’s awful! Oh dear, yes. XD
      Thanks! We are indeed. 🙂 Well… both. But at the moment, mostly excited. 😉 Thanks for reading (and commenting)!


  3. The “Cedar House” looks so nice! I think it’s really cool that you have two houses on your new farm. Ugh, ladybugs are so annoying in the house, at least I think so. We had a bunch this fall, and one time when I made kiss cookies during December, a ladybug fell from a light fixture in the kitchen into one of the melted kisses!! It was awful. We have also had a lot of stinkbugs, too, and there are still some remaining ones that seem to come out of nowhere. Sometimes we find them on the living room floor, and the other day I found an upside down one on my dresser when I was doing my hair! :/
    The glow-in-the-dark star stickers seem really cool, so it was nice that you could reuse them. We have some glow-in-the-dark stars in me and my sister’s room, and I like them. 🙂
    It was really cold here, but I think the temperature is rising here, though it snowed here today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I like it too. 🙂 Yeah, I agree! Ewwwww, that’s so gross! Blech. 😦 😦
      Hee hee, it was!
      Ooh, really? Were you excited about the snow or sad? It snowed here a few days ago, but it’s mostly gone.

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      1. Yes, I know, the stinkbugs are awful! Last fall they would fly and buzz around in the house, and it was really annoying.
        Oh, I like any snow, though this snow was really wet and slushy, so it wasn’t that great. But I was happy that it snowed, generally. The only problem is that my sister is student teaching, and the school keeps cancelling, so that is a problem.

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  4. Wow, the snow is so beautiful! It’s been realllyyy cold where I live but no fresh snow. What’s the point of cold weather without the snow?! XD Agh, popcorn ceiling is a hassle… but kind of fun! I used to look up and make shapes and faces out of the different “popcorns” with my imagination 😛

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ha ha, I KNOW! That’s what I always say. 😛 Blech, yes. Oh, ha, that’s a good idea! I love to do that with paint (our bathroom used to have sponged-on portions of different colors) and wood patterns and such. 😛

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  5. I loved all your pictures! I’ve only moved once, when I was a baby. But, I love redecorating rooms, especially my bedroom!

    ~ Arabella (

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  6. I’m so glad that you’re move is going well! The last picture was stunning! I have a question though-how did you get a Pinterest button when you hover over all of your photos? I’m trying to do that, and I’m curious to find out how it’s done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Rose! ♥ Aww, I’m glad you liked it. 🙂
      Oh, great question! Sorry it took me so long to reply – I forgot how I did it so I had to figure it out again. XD But it’s actually quite easy!
      1. Go to your WP Admin.
      2. Hover over “Settings” and select “Sharing.”
      3. Drag the Pinterest button to “Enabled Services.”
      4. Scroll down to “Show buttons on…” and check all the boxes.
      I’m pretty sure that’s how I did it. I hope it works! Let me know if it doesn’t, and I’ll try to figure it out again. 😉

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  7. Ahhh, how exciting! We’ve had to scrape annoying popcorn walls off the ceiling of my room, too, when we moved. It was quite awful. XD

    As always, your photography LOOKS A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Those mountain pictures are gorgeous, and aww, poor Megan. XDD


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  8. Your new house is so AMAZING — and that’s an incredible mountain view!
    “Very busily employed in doing other things” XD I use that excuse all the time. The benefit of having siblings, though, is that you can get away with it. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THANK YOUUU! (Well actually we’ll be living in the other house, but…) And I know, right? Dad stopped at an overlook just so I could get pictures on the way here one time. 😀
      HA HA. XD Oh dear, yes, that does make it easier. 😉

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      1. Haha, whoops. 😂 I love staring at the mountains. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to get any good pictures, though.
        Always put it on the siblings. 😉


        1. XD XD No problem. Yeah, it’s hard not to get the pictures to look faded for me. It helps to edit them sometimes, but that day they were pretty dark and clear for the most part.
          Very wise, very wise.

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  9. i actually hate ladybugs. it’s a long story why, and honestly pretty stupid, but now the fear has just built up and i just can’t stand them XD

    duuude i wish i had glow in the dark stickers like that in my room 😀 they sound so cooool.

    cool post! i loved reading about your moving experience :))



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh. Well then. XD My cousin doesn’t like ladybugs either, although I don’t think she has a terrible story to back it… I will try not to bring you any as presents or anything. 😛
      Hee hee. Yes, they are super neat! You can probably find them on Amazon but I haven’t checked. 😉
      Thanks so much! I’m glad to hear it. 🙂

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      1. my sister buys me things like ladybugs farms or ladybug pillow pets. she thinks she’s hilarious XD

        i’ll have to looks for them sometime. :))




  10. Wow! Those are some great pictures! Sounds like a lot of fun!!!!!! 😀 🙂 And a LOT of work and some not so fun stuff! 😉 That’s awesome that Carmen wanted to help with that kind of stuff! She’s so adorable, Allison…ANYWAYS…. Thanks for sharing the pictures! The view is awesome too!! It looks like an awesome house, and you guys are doing a great job fixing it up! Loved the post and pictures! KEEP POSTING ABOUT YOUR PROGRESS!!!! When are you planning to move in?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! Yeah, precisely. 😉 I know, isn’t it? 😉 Hee hee, of course! My pleasure! Yesss, well that’s actually the view on the drive here, but maybe that’s what you meant. XD Thanks so much – I’m glad you liked it! DON’T WORRY I WILL! 😀 And we’re planning to move late February/early March. 🙂

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  11. All your photography is so beautiful! And so is your new home.❤️ Best of luck with renovating it! I’d love to someday renovate a house. For now I will have to settle for reading your blog posts and watching HGTV. XD


  12. You are lucky you get to live on a farm with lots of land! I live in the woods… but in a neighborhood. I want a pig and some goats. 😭 but I have to wait until I’m older and can buy my own farm cuz my parents don’t want one. 😭😭😭

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        1. Eh heh heh. XD Well… THEY MIGHT STILL BE LIVING. There’s probably plenty of crumbs in there… XD XD But yeah, we didn’t necessarily want them to always live in the corners, even if they are nice bugs. 😉

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                  1. Eulogy for ladybirds:

                    Ladybirds which infested the Cedar House:
                    Although you look very nice, you cannot remain there because it’s a house for PEOPLE to live in. Hopefully your life wasn’t too short, so you could enjoy the dusty corners and being the small creatures roaming the Earth. Rest in Pieces. You shall be dearly missed.


  13. We had popcorn ceilings in our house to (They came with it) and we got it all scraped off last year. That stuff is so nasty. =P We get ladybugs in our house around winter to. Oh AirBNB houses are so awesome!! My family uses them all the time. =D
    I hope the renovations go well!

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  14. How cool! The pictures are awesome.
    I bet its so annoying having ladybugs invading the house. I’ve been bitten by ladybugs a few times and ever since then we have not been on good terms.
    Being covered in dust does NOT look pleasant! I don’t like to quote what everybody else has said also, but I’ll say it anyway… poor Megan. 😦 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank thee, thank thee. 😛
      Yeah, it is kind of annoying simply because there are that many. Oh my, really? I didn’t even know ladybugs could bite you! Weird. Heh heh, yeah, it wasn’t pleasant I’m sure. XD I know, poor Megan! Hey, very original with that phrase there. I’m impressed. *solemn nod*

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  15. Wowee! The Cedar House is super duper cute! I would definitely stay there…if I could. 😀 You’re so lucky to be living on such a gorgeous farm where the scenery is so amaaaaziiiing. It gives you lots of opportunities to practice your already-awesome photography skills 😀
    Lydia ❤

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  16. This post was so much fun to read, Allison! I LOVED the pictures of the mountains and all of the other photos too. Wow, that is awful about the popcorn ceilings – what a nightmare! 😮 And ooh, I can’t wait until you post about decorating your new bedroom. I bet it’s going to be amazing!! 😀

    -Clara ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yay, I’m so glad to hear it! YESS the mountains were so beautiful. ♥ Thanks! Yeah, that was pretty bad. :[] (I don’t think I’ve ever used that emoji before. Hmm. XD) Hee hee, me neither! I can’t WAIT to decorate it! Thanks for the lovely comment, dear. 🙂

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  17. Such a nice post!! That all looks like so much fun, despite all the hard work! It’ll all be worth it in the end though, I bet it’s gonna look even better all painted and fixed up!😊

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  18. Wow, that looks fun and like a lot of work! That popcorn ceiling sounds evil. 😦 Be careful with that stuff, in old houses it can sometimes hold asbestos! 😮 Those star-like stickers were neat too. Wow, an Airb&b? I’d like to come stay in it! Hehe! I can’t wait for more reno posts! I’ve never done renovations to any houses before… well, fixing up but not renovating, hehe! 😀

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    1. Indeed! XD XD Oh yeah, good point. :/ I think we’re good this time, but that’s definitely a good thing to think about, yikes. Yes, they sure were! Ha ha, that would be SO fun if you did! 🙂 And yay, I’m so glad! Ha ha, well I know what you mean. 😛 Thanks for the comment, dear!


    1. So be careful if you have dogs, they can get into their mouths and cause sores. We had droves of them in our house this fall!


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