3,000 Followers! {Part 1: THANK YOU +Blogging Tips}


AHHHH HELP I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? WHAT EVEN- Okay, breathe, Allison. Caaaalm yourself.

Ahem. I’m good now.

I honestly don’t know where to start… I guess with the obvious: THANK YOU! You guys make my day so many days with your sweet comments and hilarious chats in the comment section, and I love reading and commenting on your lovely posts too. ♥

I’m really, really glad I started blogging. For me, blogging isn’t a frustrating, stressful chore – it’s something I love to do! So much so, in fact, that I usually don’t have trouble thinking of things to post or posting often enough – the harder thing is not letting blogging take over my life. XD

My favorite part about blogging is, by far, the people. I love chatting with and getting to know you guys through comments, long emails and even longer handwritten letters (my record is 17 pages XD). I have met so many incredible people in these 3+ years that I am proud to call my friends (truly they are, even if I’ve never met them in real life): Charis, Aria, ClaraK. A., Sassafras, Enni, Josie… I could go on and on, but I won’t overwhelm you with links. XD AHH I keep thinking of more people! Anyway, you know who you are: ♥♥♥.

The point is, I’ve absolutely loved blogging so far, and I have you guys to thank for that. ♥ SO THANK YOU. AGAIN.

Alright, now that we’re past the sentimental stuff, let’s get to the other part of the post. 🙂 You may have noticed that the title said something about a Part 1. That’s because…


AND A BIG ONE TOO. I’m sooo excited for it and I think you guys will be too, but since it’s going to take quite a while to get the post up and I still haven’t gotten one of the things I ordered, I’m going to do the giveaway post next. In the meantime, I’ll post some hopefully helpful blogging tips and tricks I picked up from my approximately three years of blogging. Yeah, I know, I’m an expert, a veritable blogging veteran. You know I’m being sarcastic, right?

Nope, I’m not a professional blogger and I’m definitely not a famous one or anything, but I guess if you 3,000 of guys liked my blog enough to click follow, I’ve got to be doing something right. Hmm, now to figure out what it is… XD But seriously, what is my trick? I don’t really have one over-arching Blogging Truth actually, except maybe that I try to write posts I would love to read, but maybe these 15 little bits of advice will help. I dunno, let’s give it a try.


  1. Running out of space for your pictures? THIS IS A BLOG-SAVER. If your WordPress media space is running out (or already has) when you try to upload your pictures, never fear, my dears! I have come to rescue you. 😛 Simply start a random new blog (like blogtouploadpics.wordpress.com or something), and upload your photos to there. Publish the post, and then just copy and paste the photos from the random blog into the actual post you’re working on. That’s what I’ve been doing for quite a while now and it really works! It’s a little more time consuming than normal, but honestly I don’t think about it much anymore. Also, it’s a good idea to resize your photos before putting them on any blog. They upload much faster and take up a ton less space.DSC_3280 (1280x853)
  2. Benefit your readers. Your goal is to leave the reader with something more than they came with – it can be practical knowledge, inspiration, or even a smile on their face, but make it something.  You have to earn your reader’s patronage, so to speak. Write posts that you want to read, and most likely, your readers will like them too! Another part of this point is posting long enough posts. If you post, like, one picture (like I used to, *cringe*), it’s hardly worth the time for you or your reader.DSC_3330 (1280x853)
  3. Use proper spelling and grammar. This is so important that you’ve probably already heard it about a million times and wonder why I even bother. But seriously, if a blog post goes like this: “hi guys so here i am again sorry for not posting in so long i don’t know what to post lol srsly tho i need ideas anyway i just came back from a exiting day of school yea lol it was great (not) ok bye,” it is VERY unlikely that I’ll follow it, unless the content is superb. But honestly, if the writing is like that, chances are, their content isn’t going to be that great either. See, using proper spelling and grammar shows that you put time and effort into your blog posts, and readers appreciate that. Bad grammar is like having messy hair and wearing sloppy clothes – it just doesn’t make a good impression.DSC_3264 (1280x853)
  4. Your blog design is important. We’ve all heard not to judge a book by its cover, but we do anyway, right? Same with blogs. If you have an ugly background or a cluttered theme, it distracts readers from your post and really just lowers your blog-quality in general. Besides, it’s much more fun to own a clean, pretty website on which to show off your posts. You can use PicMonkey.com, Canva.com, or other online graphic design websites to create headers, buttons, etc. If you’re not into design, there are plenty of bloggers who would be happy to help (like my sister Megan)! This is something I still need to work on. What do you think, should I update my blog design? I think that might be a good idea…DSC_3335 (1280x853)
  5. Skip the apology posts. I know you feel bad for not posting, and that’s definitely understandable, but you really don’t have to do a whole post about how you’re such a bad blogger and then end up by saying you still don’t know what to post. Readers don’t want to read a whole post of “I’m sorry,” they want you to just go ahead and post some good content! Also, here’s a secret: most of the time no one notices your absence, especially if they already follow, like, a hundred other blogs. As hard as it might seem, the blogosphere will survive just fine for a few days, weeks, or months, without you (or me). *Gasp*
  6. You don’t have to have a schedule. This kind of ties into the last point. You don’t have to force yourself to post, say, three times a week, especially if you don’t have anything to post. If you don’t have anything to post, don’t post! (And see tip #10.) Unless you’re a professional blogger who blogs as a job, you don’t have to have a blog schedule. Now true, it’s good to post regularly. Readers likely will lose interest if you post for two days in a row, then next month, then once a week for three weeks, then a year from then… yeah, try to keep your posting pretty consistent, but don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t get around to posting as soon as you’d hoped.DSC_3334 (1280x853)
  7. Thou shall not steal. Plagiarism is a pretty big no-no with bloggers. Do not take content from another blog without asking them first, and even then, be sure to add a link back to the original author. Especially don’t take pictures or writing from someone else and then pass it off as your own work. It’s fine to use pictures from free photo websites like unsplash.com without linking back, but I like to add a link anyway on the rare occasions I use them, just so people know I didn’t take those amazingly perfect pictures myself. XDDSC_3265 (1280x853)
  8. Use lots of photos. Photos are great attention-grabbers. Readers are much more likely to just skim the post if it’s all a huge chunk of writing with no photos in sight to give their eyes a break from all the words. Besides, photos also add beauty and originality to your blog and make wonderful posts on their own. After all, you have the opportunity to take pictures that no one else can! And here’s another little secret: photography posts are probably my favorite kind to read. 😀DSC_3331 (1280x853)
  9. Format your writing. This goes along with the last point. Headings and paragraphs break your writing into manageable chunks that are just more pleasing to a reader’s eye. If you don’t, people are more likely to think, “Wow, I still have to read all that?” and to just skim through. Make use of (but don’t overuse) the Enter key, and use different font sizes, bolding, or italics to separate your writing into slightly more bite-sized pieces rather than an enormous mouthful.DSC_3263 (1280x853)
  10. Don’t beg for followers. Guys, this is honestly a pet peeve of mine. XD Please, please do not beg people to follow your blog. It’s not very considerate of the other person because it’s really hard for them to say no without sounding rude, even if they’d rather not follow your blog. Besides, you might end up with a whole bunch of followers, but none who really like your posts, so what’s the use? I’m not saying you’re a bad person if you do this – in fact, I’ve found at least one of my favorite blogs/bloggers this way – but in general it’s just better blogging etiquette to ask people if they could check out your blog rather than demanding they follow it.DSC_3329 (1280x853)
  11. Make worthwhile posts. Good content is (obviously) the most important thing for your blog. But what does “good content” mean? Unfortunately, I can’t say, because it differs with each reader’s preference. BUT, I think it involves keeping tags, challenges, interviews, and other kinds of abstract posts to a minimum, while focusing on actual, concrete content, like photography, DIY, writing, practical advice, lifestyle, etc. Basically, try to keep your posts original. Tags can be fun to read, but if that’s all you post, they get old really fast. Plus, anyone and everyone can (and does) post tags. Be unique! Post something that not everyone can – post about crafts you’ve made, photos you’ve taken, recipes you love, even your life. DSC_3261 (1280x853)
  12. Don’t know what to post? Look through your recent pictures (this almost always helps me). Post some of your recent writing. Check your stats to see what your most popular posts are, and make more of those. Look at your favorite blogs for inspiration. But if you still don’t know what to post, don’t post. It’s better to post a little less often than to post poor quality posts about nothing.
  13. Format your links. Okay, this is a very minor point, but it rather annoys me. XD When you add a link, check the “Open link in a new window/tab” box. That way when you click on it, it will open a new tab on your computer and you can still see the post you’re reading on your previous tab. So you don’t have to click the back arrow multiple times to get back to the post you were on. I know, such a hardship. XDDSC_3261 (1280x853)
  14. Want more blog traffic? One of the main ways to do this is to comment on other people’s blogs. But be sincere. Please don’t comment just for the purpose of getting the person to check out your blog. If all you provide in a comment is a link to your blog, I’ll most likely delete it. There are so many wonderful people to “meet” out there. Go find someone who loves the same things you do, and chances are, they’ll be interested in your blog too! Also, blog buttons act like mini advertisements for your blog, which is a great way to spread yourself around. Visit my buttons page for more details.
  15. Have fun. This is important. Have fun with your blog and be yourself! Don’t feel like you have to follow a certain formula or blog calendar to be a good blogger. If you have fun writing your posts and let that authentic joy shine through your writing, readers will appreciate that. In fact, maybe that’s my secret. Maybe you guys enjoy my blog (or at least seem to) because I so enjoy writing it. Whatever the reason, I’m so grateful you do read my blog. I couldn’t do it without you. ♥

So there you have it. Fifteen hopefully helpful tips on how to improve your blog, along with some chrysanthemum pictures I took recently. 🙂

And that’s it for today, folks! Thanks for reading (and following)! Did you enjoy this post? Did you find my tips helpful? What are YOUR tips for blogging? Also, are you looking forward to my giveaway? I’M SO EXCITED.


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223 thoughts on “3,000 Followers! {Part 1: THANK YOU +Blogging Tips}

  1. Your posts are always inspiring Allison and we really enjoy your each and every post. This post is really helpful for blogger like me ;), Thanks for sharing and please do share more posts like this ;0

    Liked by 2 people

    1. AHH THANK YOU SO MUCH, ENNI! I know, I can’t believe it myself! O.o Although actually one thing I forgot to mention in the post that I should probably mention in the next part, is that I got featured on WordPress Discover twice, which REALLY helped. Unfortunately I don’t think that’s much of a tip because I still can’t believe they chose me, so I don’t know what advice to give on that, really. XD
      ANYWAY, thank youuuu! I’m so glad they are!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. 😀 Oh, yeah… I didn’t know what it was before I was featured either. XD Basically it’s a sort of blog put on by the editors of WordPress, and according to their description, it is “A daily selection of the best content published on WordPress.” AND they have like seventeen million followers. O.o Here’s a link: https://wordpress.com/discover

          Liked by 1 person

    Your blog totally deserves every single one of those followers and more!! 😀 I can’t wait for your blog to grow even more. Who knows how many followers you’ll have by this time next year? It’s gonna be awesome!
    I’m so glad we met over our blogs! It’s so neat that we’re friends even though we’ve never met in person. 🙂 Thanks, internet. XD
    CONGRATULATIONS! ❤ Can't wait for the giveaway!

    -Clara ❤

    Liked by 2 people

      Aww, thank you SO much, my friend! You are so sweet. ♥ I’m awfully glad we met over our blogs too. 🙂 (And long comments. 😉 ) YES THANK YOU, INTERNET.
      Thank youuuuu again for the lovely comment, and neither can I!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a GREAT post! I sort of inwardly cringed reading this because some of these things I either did or thought about doing at one point…and you are so right! Some of them are just plain rude. 😀 I was inspired by this post, and reading it…it isn’t hard to see why you’re at 3,000! Congratulations! Oh, and I’m looking forward to the giveaway as well. Yours is a very fun blog for me to read 🙂 .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you soooo much, Emmaline! Ha ha, me too – I’ve definitely done some of these things before too. XD Aww yay, I’m so glad it inspired you, and thank you so much, dear! ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you sooo much, Ruby! You’re comments are so kind. ♥
      HA HA well what a good idea… Hmm. XD But then again, the poor bunny would probably arrive traumatized forever, so… BUT YOU COULD COME AND GET ONE. Actually we don’t have any “extra” bunnies at the moment, though. *sniff* Hopefully SOON.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I only recently started following you and I absolutely love the way you write! Congratulations on your milestone and thank you for your blogging tips 🤗 best of luck for your future blogging journey!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. OH MY GOODNESS ALLISON YAY FOR 3,000!! You’re literally so sweet and kind and genuine and YOU DESERVE THOSE FOLLOWERS. Ilyy!!

    plus those photos ar beautiful and the tips are great excuse me while I flail over them

    Liked by 3 people

  6. YAY! *happy dance* *throws confetti and chocolate*

    CONGRATULATIONS MY DEAR FRIEND! That is so amazing! *claps* You deserve each and every follower on your AMAZING blog and I’m so happy for you! 😀 ❤ 😀
    And I'm very excited for your giveaway! I can't wait to see it. 🙂

    Once again, congratulations, and I hope to see your blog only continue to grow! ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. WOOP WOOP! *celebrates with you*
      THANK YOU THANK YOU, MY DEAR. I am sooo glad we got to “meet” through our blogs and I love being pen (or more like pencil) pals with you! 😀 ♥
      Me toooo! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Yay!! Congratulations Allison! I’m so happy for you, and I hope you do well with your blog for many years to come. 🙂
    Ooh, I am very excited for the giveaway! I wonder what it’ll be…. 🙂
    Your blogging tips are very good and practical (especially the one about grammar!!). I guess I’m not bothered if link doesn’t open up in a new tab, because if I want it to, I just middle click on the mouse to make it open up in a new tab. Or, if I’m on my laptop I right click and say open link in new tab. Anyway, I don’t think I really have any advice to add, because you covered a lot. 🙂 I guess one thing I’ll add is that it’s important to use good quality photos. Even if you don’t have the best quality camera, you can still make your photos pleasing by creating clean compositions and using the best lighting possible. Also, as you mentioned, you can always use photos from free photo sites.
    Also, I really like your chrysanthemum pictures! They’re so pretty. Are they Autumn flowers?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, dear!
      AND SO AM I!
      Hee hee, thanks. Oh, that’s a great tip, about the middle clicking on your mouse! I didn’t know you could do that! I did know about that right clicking, but it’s just not as easy as normal-clicking. XD
      Oh yes, that’s definitely important! If you have a lot of photos but they’re all bad quality, it doesn’t help that much. Great tip!
      And thank you! Yep, chrysanthemums are fall flowers, at least here. We usually just call them mums. 😀 I know, they’re so pretty!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, Allison! 😀
        Yes, it is a very handy trick! I didn’t always know about it either–I think I saw one of my siblings doing it. 😉
        That’s cool that chrysanthemums are fall flowers! I didn’t know that. We don’t have many flowers that bloom in the fall. We have some weeds that have flowers the come out in the fall (ironweed and wingstem), but they’re not as pretty as your mums. 😉


  8. Ahhh! *has no words* so exciting, Allison!! So happy for you! I hope your blog will continue to grow and be a success, as much as it already is!! Congratulations, my friend! ❤ 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh. My. GOODNESS! 3k followers, that’s AMAZING! That’s just so exciting and awesome! You totally deserve each and every single one of those followers and more! Your blog is absolutely epic and I’m so excited for the giveaway!

    I love your blogging tips! And oh my goodness, do I seriously need to tell you how much I die over your photos again… XD We’ll just sum it up with this: 😱 😵


    Liked by 3 people

  10. OH MY GOODNESS OJO CONGRATULATIONS. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the future (and I have a feeling soon enough you’ll be posting a 10k follower give away… XD).

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I love this. I just started blogging last month and getting it up and running has been much harder than I expected. I have been trying not to get all caught up in how many followers, etc. This post gave me so much hope and motivation to just keep going.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Wow, awesome job on obtaining 3000 followers! You gave some excellent tips there. Unfortunately, I’m not a consistent blogger–I’m your, post two days in a row, skip a month, then once a week for three weeks, then next year blogger 😀 (I don’t think I’ve ever gone a year without posting, though 🙂 ) I do have quite a bit of things I’d like to post about, and quite a few posts in the draft box, but my life is just too busy to be very consistent, and blogging can’t be my first priority. I love reading your posts, though! I agree that pictures and grammar and formatting all contribute to a good, catching post. Although, I didn’t know about the open-link-in-new-tab option. I’ll have to make note of that next time I post a link!
    I’m looking forward to your giveaway 🙂 Congrats, again!
    Jewels ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Jewels!
      Ha ha, well I understand, and I agree that life should be the priority. It’s totally fine to just post whenever you have the time, even if it’s not consistent, but I was just saying I think a blog will be more successful with consistent posts. 🙂
      Aww, thanks! Yes! Hee hee!
      Thanks again, Jewels!


  13. Oh my goodness, congratulations on 3000 followers! Your blog really deserves it.❤️ I’m happy to call myself one of those 3000 people, hehe. Also, your blogging advice in this post is really helpful- especially the one about making a random blog if you run out of storage for photos. Thank you, and congrats again!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. CONGRATULATIONS!! You really deserve 3000 followers, the amount of effort you put into every post is evident. 😊 All your tips are so helpful in this post! I’m definitely going to start putting some of those into action! Thank you! Also, your photos are SOOO pretty! Love them! Congrats again!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. congratulations on 3k followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

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    Phew, I think that’s ENOUGH JUNK! XDDD I’m SOLO excited for how many followers you have! Your blog is AWESOME! AND YOUR PICTURES ARE ALWAYS gorgeous!!!!!!! Have a wonderful day! Allison! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ <3<3 ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    ~Sara ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Wooaaahhh! 3,000 followers?? THAT’S INSANE AND AMAZING! I couldn’t dream of having that many followers on my blog. 😉 Congratulations!
    You made lots of great blogging points! I especially like the one where you said to make posts that you would love to read. I always try to do that, and I think it makes my posts more fun to other people. 🙂
    Once again congrats! Plus, your pictures are super pretty! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

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